Check Out Our Feature in The Guardian

September 29, 2020

Here at Forest Garden Shovelstrode, we were over the moon to receive a recent mention in The Guardian. The article ‘Pooh’s corners: magical stays in Ashdown Forest’ explores the nearby by setting for AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh books, Ashdown Forest which inspired the famed Hundred Acre Wood.

The article explores the forest for all of its outstanding natural beauty and memorable parts from the treasured books, such as the Pooh Sticks Bridge.

If you’re heading to East Sussex to visit Ashdown Forest, please get in touch to book a stay with our forest log cabin hires, as the author of the article did!

Please click here to read the article in full, or browse our East Grinstead log cabin and yurt hires here and book your forest getaway today.

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